Build Freedom with a Compassionate Justice System 

Every Ohioan deserves equal treatment under the law and compassionate, non-violent care during moments of crisis. Our current system of fines, fees, and collateral sanctions traps low-income Ohioans in a cycle of debt and punishment, making it difficult to move forward. Many face employment barriers and even incarceration simply because they cannot afford to pay. 

Armed police responses to mental health crises often escalate situations that should be met with care and de-escalation. Investing in non-police crisis response programs and stabilization centers ensures people receive the help they need instead of being funneled into the legal system. 

Courts and government agencies should not rely on funding models that place the greatest burden on those least able to afford it. Families should not be forced into financial hardship due to their child’s incarceration. Ohio must build a justice system that prioritizes fairness, safety, and opportunity for all.

Our Budget Priorities

  • Help felony-impacted citizens connect to and navigate the Expedited Pardon Initiative by maintaining its funding.

  • Ensure individuals in crisis receive the care they need by funding Crisis Stabilization Centers at $17 million in FY 26 and $22 million in FY 27, as proposed in Gov. DeWine’s Executive Budget.

  • Eliminate financial penalties on families by covering room, board, and medical costs for children incarcerated by the state.

  • End the unjust practice of forcing families to pay for their child’s incarceration by striking Support of Child (Section 2151.36) from the Ohio Revised Code.

Build Freedom with a Compassionate Justice System


Make Healthcare Work for Everyone


Make Higher Education Affordable for All