Make Healthcare Work for Everyone 

Every Ohioan deserves high-quality, affordable healthcare, no matter their income, job, or health history. Healthcare is a basic right and key to a thriving community.

Right now, many Ohioans struggle with high costs and limited access to care, especially those with low income, living in rural areas, or dealing with health challenges. Too many face the impossible choice between paying for medicine or putting food on the table.

We can create a healthcare system where everyone has the coverage they need, with a focus on prevention, mental health, and no one going broke from medical bills. We need healthcare reform to expand Medicaid, support community health centers, increase mental health services, and tackle health inequalities.

Our Budget Priorities

  • Help more pregnant people get the healthcare they need by making them eligible for Medicaid with income  up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level ($77,460 for a family of three in 2024).

  • Make sure kids can access healthcare when they need it by keeping them enrolled in Medicaid up to age 6 without needing to renew coverage.

  • Block Medicaid work requirements that raise administrative costs and limit access to care.

  • Preserve and expand access to behavioral healthcare by increasing Medicaid reimbursement rates for behavioral health providers.

  • Keep funding up-to-date by adjusting Department of Health funding for inflation.

  • Provide free childcare for early childhood educators and childcare workers.

Make Health Care Work for Everyone


Support Care Workers Across Ohio


Build Freedom with a Compassionate Justice System