Fund Our Schools Fairly 

Every child in Ohio deserves a quality education, regardless of race, income, or where they live. Our current funding system is unfair and hurts Black and brown students the most, keeping many families at a disadvantage. 

Fair funding would give all students in cities or rural areas access to well-funded schools, great teachers, quality materials, and safe transportation. 

We demand a budget that guarantees every child the education they deserve.

Our Budget Priorities

  • Fully fund the  Fair School Funding Plan (FSFP) based on the actual, up-to-date costs of educating every child.

  • Ensure schools have the resources necessary to educate every child by using up-to-date categorical weights, which increase funding for special education and students with different educational needs.

  • Keep schools from falling off a funding cliff by protecting guaranteed minimum funding as laid out in the FSFP.

  • Increase starting teacher salaries to $50,000 as part of FSFP to address Ohio’s teacher shortage.

  • Expand Publicly Funded Child Care (PFCC) to cover families making under 300% of the Federal Poverty Level ($77,460 for a family of three in 2024).

  • Invest $150-200 million in PFCC over the biennium to make quality child care accessible to working families.

Fund Our Schools Fairly


Support Care Workers Across Ohio